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    EPC Products Civil Engineering Testing Instruments Geotechnical Testing Geophysical Exploration Shallow Seismic Methods Advanced Seismic Acquisition System
    Advanced Seismic Acquisition System

    Model:Sigma 4

    Use:SIGMA 4 is the most advanced, field-proven acquisition system in the world


    Related Products
    Advanced Seismic Acquisition System

    SIGMA 4 is the most advanced, field-proven acquisition system in the world. It works seamlessly to provide the most fully integrated source control/recorder solution!

    Autonomous Operation using Internal Storage

    "Real-Time" status, Command and Control

    "Real-Time" Data and Status Return


     - WiFi – Meshed or standard WiFi


     - Cellular phones Interface


     - Cabled option

    USB External Storage for Fast Data Collection

    Internal battery

    Internal 3C geophones elements or external Geophones/Hydrophones sensors


    Acquire Active Seismic


    Vibroseis Data

    Fully integrated with SourceLink software. Use SSC UE2 & Force 3 electronics for high production.

    Mesh Radio Network option for real-time status.


    Dynamite Data

    Fully integrated with SourceLink software. Use SSC UE2 & Boom Box 3 electronics for fast acquisition.

    USB data collection for quick data collection.


    Impulsive Data

    Fully integrated with SourceLink software. Use SSC UE2 & RTM 3 electronics for high production.

    Cable-free design for operation in tough environments.


    Acquire Passive Seismic


    Hydraulic Facture Monitoring


    SIGMA 4's real-time Wi-Fi network quickly provides continuous data


    Induced Seismic Monitoring


    Use internal or external sensors to detect the smallest of events


    Long-term Event Monitoring


    SIGMA 4 provides long-term reliability


    MASW and ReMi Data Acquisition


    Easy to deploy, easy to monitor, and easy to collect data and generate output files

    Project Case
