Model:Remote Trigger Module 3
Use:The Remote Trigger Module 3, or RTM3, is a new generation of impact timing device. It is designed to synchronize hit times from a single seismic source unit with multiple seismic recorders
The Remote Trigger Module 3, or RTM3, is a new generation of impact timing device. It is designed to synchronize hit times from a single seismic source unit with multiple seismic recorders. It can also be used to synchronize multiple seismic recorders. The RTM3 units use an internal high accuracy oscillator that is disciplined with GPS information. Each RTM3 unit requires an external GPS receiver with valid satellite information to control its internal clock. Once the internal clock is synchronized the RTM3 can be used without any GPS signal for up to 10 minutes.
This GPS and high accuracy timing benefits the crew in multiple ways. In legacy mode, the RTM3 transmits source locations and hit times directly to the recorder for logging and verification. In autonomous mode, the RTM3 stores this information in its internal memory.
In legacy mode, the observer controls the acquisition process, organizing multiple weight drop units and monitoring their production. In autonomous mode, without any radio communications, each weight drop operates in its “Time Slot”. These are allocated in advance to prevent multiple sources from hitting at the same time. Then, all of the hit information is saved on a non-volatile CF card for later download and analysis.
SSC Compatible – Operates seamlessly with UE 2, Force 3, and Boom Box 3 units
Integrated Radio Interface – RTM 3 can be used with almost any radio
Integrated GPS Interface – RTM 3 sends source locations back to recording system
Equipped with internal memory – can operate autonomously without radio contact
Integrated WiFi – Setup and operate RTM3 unit with web browser from phones or tablet
Integrated Ethernet – Control RTM3 directly with SourceLink software
Dual-purpose design, can be used as Encoder or Decoder