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    EPC Products Civil Engineering Testing Instruments Structural and Materials Testing Highway and Bridge Inspection Asphalt Superpave Performance Grading (PG) Direct Tension Test Direct Tension Tester
    Direct Tension Tester




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    The Interlaken Direct Tension System for asphalt is a complete instrument for evalsuating stiffness and failure properties of asphalt binders at low "in-service" temperatures (AASHTO T 314). Interlaken DTT results, in conjunction with Bending Beam Rheometer (BBR) data, provide a more complete characterization of the asphalt binder. Use Interlaken DTT data to predict the temperature at which thermal cracking will occur in the roadway.


    The Windows® based software is completely automated, requiring minimal operator intervention. Developed specifically for performing the AASHTO T 314 asphalt binder test of low temperature thermal properties, it controls and records all appropriate parameters. Results may be simultaneously displayed on the computer screen and saved to hard drive, while the test is in progress. The data may be easily exported to other applications such as Microsoft Excel. Both data acquisition & closed loop control utilize integrated 16 bit digital processing to ensure precision and sensitivity.


    Mechanical System:

    To provide the most accurate and repeatable results possible, the following key features have been incorporated into the overall system design:

    • A stiff load frame and measuring head to provide very little friction or errors associated with system compliance.

    • A high performance Exlar actuator driving the measuring head and providing maximum dynamic response and sensitivity without the backlash or wind-up.

    • Key sensor and load cell components are isolated from the fluid bath, ensuring a safe and stable environment.

    • The linear sensor is mounted across the specimen to provide the most accurate strain rate and position information.

    • System capable of forces in excess of 500N and speeds from 0.372 mm/min to 312mm/min.


    Project Case
